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Soccer Workouts at Home: Train Like a Pro

Soccer Workouts at Home: Train Like a Pro

Sabrina Avalos |

Being a soccer player doesn't start and end on the pitch. Even when you're at home, training should still be an important part of your routine if you want to improve your performance but also to stay fit.

There are many skills involved in soccer. Ball control, explosive power, and agility are some of the skills that if you put extra effort into honing at home can help you on the pitch.

In this guide, we're going to run through practical drills, important components of a great exercise, and tips to improve your soccer skills all from the comfort of your living room, or yard.

Why Soccer Workouts at Home Matter

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Soccer is a mentally and physically demanding sport. It requires high intensity, balance, endurance, and skill. Soccer conditioning drills whether on the pitch, gym or at home can help you meet these demands and become a better player.

By focusing on conditioning, you can become a much faster, more agile, and stronger player —all while developing a strong core and improving your soccer performance. Overall, these will make you unstoppable in the game.

Even if you're not training specifically for soccer, training like a player has so many benefits you'd hate to miss out on. Exercise is a proven way to better your mental health and build fitness. The skills you learn from soccer conditioning can be useful in other sports too useful skills for other sports too.

From cone dribbling to box jumps, these at-home exercises can help you perform your best when it’s time to hit the field.

Full-Body Soccer Conditioning Drills

Here are a few must-try drills for your soccer workouts at home:

Shooting and Sprint Drill with a Portable Goal

To perform these you'll need some space so your backyard or driveway would be perfect. Set up your 12x6 portable soccer goal around 15–20 meters from your starting point.

  1. Start Position: Stand at the starting point with a ball in front of you.
  2. Sprint to the Goal: Sprint toward the goal at full speed. The goal is to focus on explosive speed as push forward.
  3. Shoot: Once you're about 3 meters away from the goal, take a shot on target, Use your dominant foot. Put power in your shot and try to aim accurately into the goal.
  4. Recover and Repeat: After your shot, jog back to the starting position and immediately repeat the sprint and shot for 10-12 reps.

Burpees for Full-Body Conditioning

Burpees are a high-intensity exercise that works your entire body:

  1. Start in a standing position with your feet shoulder-width apart.
  2. Drop into a squat position, placing your hands on the ground.
  3. Jump your feet back into a push-up position.
  4. Perform one push-up, then jump your feet forward and stand up.
  5. Add a jump at the end for extra intensity.

Jump Squats for Explosive Power

Jump squats are excellent for building explosive power:

  1. Stand with your feet hip-width apart and lower into a squat.
  2. Explode upward, jumping as high as possible.
  3. Land softly with your knees slightly bent and hips back.

A common mistake people make with jumps squats is landing incorrectly. You can avoid injuring yourself by making sure you don't land with stiff knees or flat feet.

Cone Dribbling for Ball Control

Set up a series of cones and practice weaving the ball through them. Focus on quick, controlled touches with your right foot, left foot, and both feet combined.

  1. Arrange cones in a straight line, about 1–2 feet apart. If you don't have cones, improvise with water bottles or another makeshift marker you have at home.
  2. Stand with the ball in front of you, and your knees bent slightly to avoid hurting yourself.
  3. Weave through the cones using the inside and outside of your feet for quick touches.
  4. Repeat this for 3-5 rounds.

Effective Soccer Workouts at Home

Warm-Up: Prepare Your Body

A proper warm-up is the best way to start your workout. Skipping it completely or doing it incorrectly can affect your workout and increase the chances of muscle injuries. So before getting into intense soccer conditioning drills, start with 10-15 minutes to gradually increase your heart rate and prepare your muscles for action.

  • Dynamic Stretches: Before your soccer conditioning drills, start with dynamic stretches to move your body and loosen up those muscles. High knees, leg swings, and arm circles are good stretches to start with.
  • Hip Flexors Activation: Improving your mobility means you have a wider range of motion and you'll also decrease your risk of injury. Stretch your hip flexors to help you move better.
  • Jogging or Light Skipping: A quick jog or skipping routine will get your blood flowing and the heart pumping.

Improve Your Speed with Agility Ladders

The agility ladder helps with improving quick footwork, coordination, and speed. To set up, place the ladder on a straight line, and try these drills:

  • Two-In, Two-Out: Step both feet into the square one after the other and then step out. Try to do this as quickly as possible.
  • Lateral Shuffle: Face sideways and step through the entire ladder with quick movements.
  • Hopscotch Drill: Chanel your inner child with this one. Start with your feet shoulder-width apart, and hop forward with one-foot landing in each square.

These drills challenge your foot speed and balance. If you don't have an agility ladder at home, you can DIY it. While improving your game-ready movements. Use tape or chalk lines on the ground to replicate the same drills. Place the ladder on a straight line, and try these drills:

Improve Your Strength Training for Strong Legs and Core

Strength training exercises target the muscles you use most during a soccer match. Focus on exercises that build leg muscles, core stability, and explosive power:

  • Squat Jumps: Stand with your feet hip-width apart, lower into a squat position, and jump as high as possible. Land softly with your knees bent.
  • Push-Up Position Plank: Build a strong core by holding this position for 30-60 seconds.
  • Single-Leg Squats: Balance on one leg and squat down as low as you can go. Switch to the other leg after 10 reps.
  • Push-Pull Drill: Use resistance bands or your body weight to simulate pushing and pulling movements.

Improve Your Explosive Power with Box Jumps

Box jumps are perfect for building that explosive power and strengthening your lower body that you'll need to perform at your best:

  • Stand in front of a sturdy box with your feet shoulder-width apart.
  • Lower into a quarter squat, push through your legs, and jump onto the box.
  • Land softly with your knees slightly bent and hips back.
  • Step down and repeat for 10-12 reps.

Don't be intimidated by the size of the big boxes. You can start at whatever level you're at now and build up from there with practice. And if you don't have a box, you could use a bench, stairs, or a ledge to get similar results.

Improve Your Ball Control

To help you maintain possession of the ball and maneuver better on the pitch, you to have good ball control. Practice these drills to up your ball control:

  • Cone Dribbling: Set up cones in a straight line and weave the ball through them using quick touches.
  • Juggling: Keep the ball in the air using your feet, thighs, and head.
  • Wall Passes: Kick the ball against a wall and control it on the rebound. Aim for 20-30 passes with each foot.

Since you're home, you may not have cones lying around. You can improvise by using water bottles as makeshift cones.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Do Soccer Players Train at Home?

Soccer players train at home by focusing on strength, agility, and skill-based exercises. Essential components include:

  • Agility Drills: Using tools like an agility ladder to enhance quick footwork and coordination.
  • Strength Training: Exercises like squat jumps, push-ups, and single-leg squats build lower body strength and endurance.
  • Ball Skills: Practicing dribbling, juggling, and passing improves control and technique.
  • Conditioning: High-intensity drills like burpees and cone sprints boost cardiovascular fitness and game endurance.

Soccer players also use different tools and aids to help them stay in tip-top shape for the game. At Training Nets, we have a fantastic collection of the best portable soccer goals for training. Having tools like this allows players to practice realistic shooting and passing. It's an incredible tool to have because it's compact enough to set up in your backyard and train solo or invite the team or friends to have a casual game.

How to Get Faster for Football?

To build speed for soccer, focus on exercises that enhance your explosive power and quickness:

  • Sprints: Run short distances at full speed, focusing on your stride and arm movement.
  • High Knees: Drive your knees up toward your chest while pumping your arms.
  • Cone Sprints: Set up cones and practice running to the first cone, stopping, and then accelerating to the next.
  • Strengthening Hip Flexors: Perform lunges and step-ups to target key speed muscles.
  • Bounding: Leap forward with one foot, landing softly before repeating with the other leg.

How Often Should I Do Soccer Workouts at Home?

It depends on your goals and fitness level. Ideally, you can train about 3-5 sessions per week. Plan your sessions to have a high-intensity drills session, strength training session, and recovery.

Don't underestimate the power of resting. We often think push push push and forget that rest days allow your muscles to recover and grow stronger making you a better athlete.

Take Your Game to the Next Level

Hard work and consistency will make you the soccer player you want to be and with the right soccer exercise at home, you can build the skills you need to excel on the field.
Don’t forget to check out Training Nets for high-quality tools to enhance your training, like their soccer goals and if you want to read up more about soccer goals, the buying guide for portable soccer goals has everything you need to know.